Combine directions with these two buttons for using various new moves. Use the circle on the left to control the fighter’s moves and two buttons on the right for kicking and punching. At the same time, the controls are simple enough to avoid confusion. There are also different fighting styles to try. It is pretty well balanced, with quite a lot of moves and combos to learn. The biggest advantage of Shadow Fight 2 is the combat system.

Use them to drive the demons back to where they came from and restore harmony in the world! To escape the fate of the others, your hero got rid of his body, but his incredible abilities are now even stronger. Every samurai is now on the side of evil – all but one. Eventually, demons from the underworld found a way to take hold of the warriors’ bodies and turned them into faithful weapons of hell. However, the powers of the dark are cunning. The introduction will take you to the time of great heroes when brave samurais roamed the earth helping those in need and defeating evil. Now there is a new version available, with even more breathtaking effects, mortal enemies and thrilling story twists. This amazing arcade style fighting game has become widely popular among gamers of all categories. There is hardly a person who haven’t heard about Shadow Fight.